Reiki For Mental Health
Reiki For Mental Health
In terms of Reiki for mental health, it has been shown to help reduce issues related to chronic stress, anxiety and depression. When looking at Reiki for mental health, it can also be very helpful while going through any kind of grief or loss. This treatment helps the body heal itself through allowing your body to enter the parasympathetic zone, which is basically a state where your body is at rest and has a chance to heal. There have been several studies on Reiki for mental health involving animals and people that correlate it with improved overall well-being. In these studies they measured things like heart rate and signs of changes related to cellular damage and were able to see improvements even at a cellular level.
A Brief History of Reiki
Reiki (a form of energy work or light work) continues to grow in popularity as a complementary and supportive treatment for many different issues. Reiki originated in Japan and was developed by Dr. Mikao Usui in the early 20th century. Dr. Mikao had a Buddhist upbringing and was interested in medicine, theology and psychology. He wanted to develop a self-healing hands on method that would be available to everyone and isn’t restricted by the need to practice a certain religion. Reiki or energy work can be used in whatever current belief system you have to encourage personal development, growth and healing. Reiki is a practice that draws from universal or source energy to help in healing processes. Everyone has access to this universal life force energy, Reiki is simply a way to be mindful, acknowledge that it’s there and invite it in.
Incorporating Reiki Into Therapy
As a therapist and Reiki II practitioner, I would love to teach you how to engage in self-Reiki. I can engage you in a guided Reiki session so that you can feel empowered to treat yourself to a Reiki session any time you need it. Self-Reiki is a great way thing to incorporate into your self-care routine and is considered a spiritual practice. I often do some guided imagery with clients when engaging a self-Reik session with them to help engage their senses. Several of my clients have told me how helpful Reiki has been for them around “releasing old stuff” that they don’t need anymore.
I will typically ask you to set an intention before the session so that you can stay focused. Everyone has a different experience with Reiki. Some people see different colors or have different sensations while engaging in Reiki and some people don’t have any and that’s okay too. Like I mentioned before, Reiki is meant to calm your nervous system so that your body and mind can work on healing itself. Please feel free to ask any questions about Reiki and how you can incorporate Reiki into your life. Here is a link to a blog article that I wrote on how using Reiki for self-care and as a spiritual practice to help you feel more connected and more grounded—The Benefits of Self-Reiki