Spiritual Counseling

Online Existential and Spiritual Therapy

People practicing yoga as a part of Spiritual therapy for the HSP.

Life can be hard sometimes and it would be nice to feel like we have some inner guidance, whether that comes deep within us or if we are looking for it outside of ourselves— this is where spiritual counseling or existential therapy comes in. 

Our spirituality or faith can help us get through those difficult times because it gives us something greater to believe in and gives us confidence that there is more to this world and our life than our problems.

We understand that it’s okay to have struggles because those struggles serve a higher purpose. Getting connected to our spirituality helps us feel more connected to ourselves and others. Aside from helping us feel more fulfilled and happy, this can have a huge impact on all other aspects of health, including mental and physical.  This is why spiritual or existential therapy can be especially helpful in improving overall health and wellness.

You may also be experiencing what some people call an “existential crisis”. If that’s the case, you’re not alone.  I can provide you the opportunity to explore your spirituality or the meaning of your life in a thoughtful and active way that is specific to you. See how spiritual therapy or existential therapy can be helpful for when you feel drained, overwhelmed or lost.

 Do you feel lost or want more meaning in your life? You’re not alone. Existential therapy can help.

A lot of people feel this way, it’s just part of being human and wanting more out of your life.

Practicing community as part of Spiritual Therapy for the HSP.

Throughout history as human beings, we have always had to grapple with questions around our existence and our purpose and we already think about things deeply, so existential therapy can help us piece together what’s most important for us. We are also forced to reckon with our freedom and responsibility to make our own choices. In the back of our mind,  we do think about death, being alone and questioning why some things seem completely pointless in life. These questions connect with our existence—  how we connect with ourselves, our relationships and the world around us.

There is so much pressure to be successful and have ‘your shit together’.

This can quickly lead to disillusionment, feelings of inadequacy and that nagging feeling that you can always do more. The quality of life (QoL) in Naperville is very high, which can paradoxically make people miserable when they constantly compare their lives on IG. Spiritual counseling or existential therapy can help you have a strong sense of purpose and sense of self that can help to combat these insecurities.

Whatever your situation is, I’m here for you to hear you out, be present, hold space and help you find what resonates for you. Part of my mission is to take out the intimidation factor when it comes to spirituality and help you begin to incorporate it in your daily life.

I want to teach you how to use spirituality to improve your mental health. Maybe you didn’t grow up in a household that valued spirituality or maybe you’ve been brought up in a fear-based religion or denomination that required a very specific lifestyle. I’ve also seen cases where clients have grown up in extremist spiritual environments to a point where certain needs were invalidated.

Using rituals during spiritual practice is part of spiritual therapy for the HSP

You should feel empowered, valued, loved and peaceful through your religion and spirituality. With that said, there may be difficult things that you need to confront. You may need to set difficult boundaries if you’re in a not so great relationship with a needy person or leave a relationship altogether, you may inevitably question some of your life choices that you’ve made in the past and process some spiritual trauma. But that’s where spiritual therapy comes in.

You may be wondering why spirituality is important for mental health

Spiritual Therapy for the HSP improves overall mental health

When we explore our spirituality, our relationship deepens with ourselves and others. We can begin to break bad habits and form new ones because we have a better sense of our values. Spirituality improves our overall sense of well-being.

Increasing your spiritual awareness can boost positive feelings and emotions.

Part of exploring spirituality involves putting yourself in situations where you feel awe and wonder. There are studies on how this specific feeling improves overall well-being. Seeing a newborn baby, being under a waterfall, looking at the ocean and even just being in your local forest preserve (you will learn that I’m a huge forest bathing nerd) increase feelings of being connected to something greater than yourself, which helps to reduce anxiety. 

At this point, your concerns might be

Are you going to try to make me as Existential AF ?

If astral travel and a shamanic journey are not on your checklist, that’s totally okay! I’m taking your lead in terms of what you want to explore and how you want to incorporate spirituality in your life. The most important thing is that you make meaning for your life and how you make meaning is very personal for you. I go Planet Fitness style–  it’s the “no judgment zone”, just exploration. I take a very inclusive approach. 

What if you don’t agree with my belief system?

That’s okay, like I said before, I’m here to listen and talk about your spirituality and mental health. Therapists that engage in existential and spiritual therapy need to be authentic so I may share some personal stories or experiences but it will only be done when I think it will benefit you and the work you are doing and is not meant to tell you how to practice your spirituality or how to practice your religion.

I’ve helped so many people that have gone through difficult times and were looking for peace and stability. I’m confident that I can help you as well. Take advantage of the free consultation and find out if I’m a good fit for your needs. 


Robin is unique in her approach and openness. She is comfortable broaching deeper topics as well as finding humor in most situations. She is heart centered and kind.

Kate Letournea—LPC

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